Eighteen month old sisters Evie and Ziggie are very photogenic. Neither of these small Working Cocker Spaniels think twice about running through deep muddy water or into thick brambles if it means retrieving shot game.
But when the day is over and they've been washed, dried and fed, there's nothing more comfortable than the high chair to share.
" Can we try that butter trick ?? " |
Meanwhile brother Mick really is the clown. If ever a dog could smile than this one can. A quick nip on his nose from another dog when he was only a few weeks old initially made him made him cautious of his own kind and he lacked a certain amount of confidence. But careful introduction by his owner to the "right" dogs at an early age meant that Mick was soon running about with the other dogs and enjoying every moment of it too. While the running has got faster, it now includes pieces of tree and a smile !
Happiness is .... |
What is Sumo looking at ? I'll never know !
Sumo |
Charlie looks right down his nose at the camera, suffering while the photographer achieves the "right" shot. Poor lad.
Charlie suffers for arts sake |
Having set my stand up, I allowed myself a quick break before the Lowther Show got up and running. Once it did, I was on my toes until 6pm, talking all things dog with some really lovely owners.
Waiting for the crowds at Lowther |
August 12th - the "Glorious Twelfth"and Pixie is on the moors enjoying her first grouse shoot. I'm not too sure what that sideways glance is all about but I can say that come the evening she was rather tired !
Penny for your thoughts Pixie ! |
Three photographs of Zara, a young French Bulldog who stayed with me for two months residential training. When the lead and long line were finally allowed off, this little dog showed just how fast she can run - and needless to say, a tennis ball was always the object of her desire !
Zara |
Zara |
Zara |
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