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Showing posts from October, 2014

Training dogs not to chase sheep !

My working week introduces me to new dogs and owners all the time, and while I often get emails thanking me for how the dog now behaves, I rarely get a photograph. But that changed this morning and it's made my day ! Zee, a beautiful GSD, couldn't resist chasing sheep and even more alarming, grabbing a mouthful of fleece. So I worked with her on this bad habit and she now has a lot more respect for the animals. But I only did the ground work. Well done to her owner - A - for continuing with Zee's training. A recent email mentioned a breed I was unfamiliar with - a BRT. The Black Russian Terrier is a mix of approx. different breeds, inc. Giant Schnauzers and Rottweilers. One of their key attributes is a strong protective instinct, which is why the owners had purchased theirs'. But at only 14 weeks old, I didn't have too much to worry about when I made a home visit to help out. The two pics are off the web as I didn't have my camera with me at the time.