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Showing posts from September, 2011

Meet Jake

For the last month I've had the real pleasure of home boarding and training Jake, a young Springer Spaniel. who's in for basic training and has been wonderful to work with. Full of energy and keen to learn - which he's good at ! - Jake is a lovely fun little dog. This afternoon he kept with me as I gardened before showing me he'd had enough with a few grubby paws on my sleeve ! How many youngsters really enjoy working in the garden ? Letting off steam

The Eden Valley

Many people know how beautiful the Eden Valley is and those of us who live in it are very fortunate. But to fully appreciate the area, you occassionally have to climb a little before seeing the Valley, which lies between the Pennines and the Fells. And what better way to do so than with the company of a dog? The dog in question was Chester, a young Retriever who liked to get down and dirty ! What a water babe - although Miss Prissy aka Honey appears not to share in his enthusiasm. But there was one thing she could do - squeeze between the bars of gates and stiles while poor Chester's path was blocked. Oh well, every dog has its day! The beautiful Eden Valley Even dogs have to gargle Real dogs only need 3 legs !!! "DON'T LEAVE ME !!!!"

Dogs, Leads, Towels ... but I forgot The Ark !

Dogs don't ask for much. Food, affection and exercise. Add to those simple things a touch of discipline and the result is an animal who loves me - warts and all ! But on days like today, I do wonder if they think I'm slightly mad ! I dragged Paul (with camera of course!!) on a walk which severly tested both of our walkiing equipment. The photograph below sums up exactly what I mean. But don't misunderstand me. I really have no concern about the rain, in fact quite the opposite. Janet "Keep Up !" Litte Buddy had a great time in the bracken. He was able to keep up whatever obstacles were in his way. Buddy - with a very serious expression ! To see Roxy running around like she did was very rewarding. Her boundaries are very good now that we have bonded. Despite her size, she's a big puppy. Unlike waterbabe Brook, she chose to keep her feet on wet land! "Come on in. The water's warm !"

Still here !

I've not posted anything for a surprisingly long time so thought I better sort myself out ! Needless to say I've been very busy with training and home visits. A recent guest has been Isla, a 4mth old Lab. The photo is of her and Basil, who came for just an afternoon to socialise with other dogs. Looking at this, it was rather successful. Young Isla was a real little charmer and the photo below sums her up very well ! "Are you sticking your tongue out at me ?" At the moment I have a lovely Labradoodle staying with me called Roxy. She's having a great time socialising with the other dogs and it's a real pleasure to see that happening. At the moment she is still on the lead until I'm confident that we have really bonded. This Sunday I am going to introduce her to my flock of sheep, with the intention that any temptation to chase will be stopped. This will then allow her owners much greater freedom with her. Having given Roxy a good walk earlier on,