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Showing posts from April, 2015

Bailey goes back to school

My daughter Rachel has been working with me for some months now, both walking and and very occasionally, helping to train dogs (with the owners knowledge). Two weeks ago, she was given the responsibility of turning around the behaviour of young tearaway Bailey, a Cocker Spaniel. He arrived pulling, no recall and having absolutely no eye contact. But with persistence and a little hard work, things are really starting to change !

Labradors come and go and come again ..

Hugo and Max, my Black Lab guests have completed their training and returned home to Bedfordshire. Replacing them are Fudge and Bailey, two Yellow Labradors. Both are now off the long line in my field although there's still plenty of training to go before they're good enough to go home. But in the meantime, Bailey is enjoying her freedom ! Bailey enjoys being off the longline Fudge  My other residential training guest who currently staying with me is Phoebe. Like the Labs, she's also a young dog. At the moment Phoebe is always on the lead or long line as her desire to chase after something moving far away in the distance is too great. But given time I'll sort that problem out. Yet again I'm fortunate to have dogs staying with me who are really enjoyable to train, who want to please and in truth are full of love and affection. Phoebe But no day is complete without a Chow Chow. This lovely young girl is only 10 months old and came to my home